The following events are planned for the upcoming year. Dates may be subject to minor changes. Further events will be announced as the year progresses.

October 2022

26th Court Meeting

26th Installation Ceremony and Dinner at Grocers’ Hall

November 2022

7th  Garden of Remembrance Service in St Paul’s Churchyard

11th Silent Ceremony at Guildhall

12th Lord Mayor’s Show followed by lunch at Apothecaries’ Hall

December 2022

8th   Keating Symposium (online)

14th Carol Service at St Mary-le-Bow followed by refreshments

January 2023

11th Education Seminar (1) by Zoom

17th Master Wardens and Clerk Meeting

20th Nominations Advisory Committee Meeting

20-22nd Arbitration Competition at BCLP

February 2023

1st  Committee Day at Guildhall

16th Cocktail Making Evening

22nd Court Meeting

22nd Spring Luncheon on board HQS Wellington

23rd Past Masters’ Lunch

23rd Consorts’ event

March 2023

15th Education Seminar (2) by Zoom

24th United Guilds’ Service at St Paul’s Cathedral followed by lunch at a livery hall

29th Committee Day at Guildhall

29th Master’s Lecture by Professor Anne McArdle

30th Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch at Guildhall

April 2023

17th Court Meeting at Information Technologists’ Hall

17th Common Hall followed by drinks reception at Information Technologists’ Hall

May 2023

18th Charter Banquet at Mansion House

26-28th Wardens’ Weekend in Cornwall

June 2023

tbd   Old Bailey Visit & Reception

22nd Master Wardens and Clerk Meeting

26th Election of Sheriffs followed by Lunch

27th Committee Day at Guildhall

July 2023

6th  City Beerfest at Guildhall Yard

12th Court Meeting at Plaisterers’ Hall followed by Annual Service at St Mary-le-Bow & Supper

September 2023

24th Sheep drive across London Bridge

28th Admission of Sheriffs at Guildhall

29th Election of Lord Mayor at Guildhall followed by Lunch

October 2023

2nd  Master Wardens and Clerk Meeting

6-8th Master’s Weekend in Liverpool

10th Committee Day at Guildhall

26th Court Meeting, Installation Ceremony and Dinner, Goldsmiths’ Hall


Other events being planned include an opera visit, new-members event and visits to our military affiliates. Full details will be posted on our website in due course.

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