At the Installation Banquet held on 26th October in Goldsmiths’ Hall, the Master Simon Underwood presented the
Worshipful Company of Arbitrators Award for HMS Mersey Sailor of the Year 2023 to
WO2 Christopher Dugdale RN


Over the last twelve months, HMS MERSEY has delivered some of her most demanding tasking throughout her 20 years of service. Conducting safety of life operations in the English Channel, deploying to the Baltic in support of NATO and Joint Expeditionary Force Partners and Allies, and maritime security operations in the North Sea and North Atlantic; to say MERSEY has been put through her paces would be an understatement.


Warrant Officer Chris DUGDALE is the Marine Engineering Officer onboard and leads a relatively small team responsible for all things mechanical and electrical; their job is to keep the lights burning and the propellers turning.


MERSEY’s deployment to the Baltic Sea region, at a time of increased tension, allowed the UK to demonstrate its commitment to regional partners and Allies. MERSEY was the first Batch 1 Offshore Patrol Vessel to deploy to the region and operating during winter and extreme weather months, brought a number of challenges. Not only did MERSEY deliver her tasking but was also able to quickly re-role from one mission to another to achieve additional effect.


As the on-call go-to unit for any emergent crisis around UK waters, MERSEY has been called upon time and again. Whether that be picking up the programme of other units to ensure the delivery of syllabus training, or responding to the protection of home waters, MERSEY has had to maintain high readiness throughout the year. In doing so, Warrant Officer DUGDALE and his team have achieved over 95% availability, losing only 1 day of tasking throughout the year.


Managing an aging platform with a number of miles already on the clock has been a challenge but Warrant Officer DUGDALE has not let the task phase him. With an engaging and jovial sense of leadership he has deftly managed his department to ensure availability but also managed their personal and domestic needs during periods of workforce gapping.


The Company’s sponsorship for Sailor of the Year goes to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the maintenance of Operational Capability and who has upheld the Royal Navy’s Core Values, I think you will all agree with me that Warrant Officer DUGDALE is a worthy recipient for this year’s award.


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