The governance of the Company is the responsibility of the Master and two Wardens (Senior and Junior) supported by the Court of Assistants. They are advised by the Clerk who has primary responsibility for administration.

Past Masters of the Company may attend and speak at Court meetings to give advice although only those who have held office in the preceding five years may vote.

The membership comprises Liverymen and Freemen. The Company welcomes as Freemen all those with relevant experience as dispute resolution practitioners or who support private dispute resolution in other ways such as academic study. It is the policy of the Company to elect Freemen regardless of age, race, disability, religion or belief, gender or sexual orientation.

A Freeman who has been a member for a minimum period of twelve months, has obtained the Freedom of the City of London and meets certain other criteria may apply to become a Liveryman of the Company. At the present time the maximum number of Liverymen of the Company is set at 300.

More information can be found in the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators’ Governance Documents.

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