The Master says:

On 7 June 2024, as Master of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators, despite having avoided last year’s abseil down the Lloyd’s building due to a phobia of heights, I descended down the Leadenhall building, which is 47 floors high (700ft or 215m) and known colloquially as the Cheese Grater.

This was the scariest moment ever and my adrenaline levels have only just returned to near normal. To be clear I did not look down! In fact, kept my eyes focussed on the inside of the building for much of the drop.

The Lord Mayor’s Appeal, ‘A Better City for All’, is supporting three charities, namely MQ Mental Health Research, Homewards and National Numeracy – to deliver groundbreaking programmes and find solutions to some of London’s most pressing societal issues.

I am delighted to report a safe landing!

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